Hi Spencer, Many thanks for keeping me posted. Keep up the good work, as always, and give my love to our family in California. Stay safe and I look forward to our getting together in Chicago. Love, Zaid

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This post has led me into wondering why owls and mushrooms became such ubiquitous items of decor in the ‘70s.

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How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? Don’t tell me you’re too young for that...actually do they even make TPs anymore? I have no idea. Anyway, glad you made it from coast to coast! What do you think of the bomb cyclone so far? ;-)

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Well, don’t mess with crows! Buried one I found in the yard, thought I was being nice, but then they started massing and cawing and dive bombing me everytime I left my house for two weeks!! Apparently they like to bury their own...

Other than that, dog walk to the park and drove to grocery store on bionic knee! The things I’ll do to get vanilla flavored goat yogurt. And this after spending the morning sobbing at my computer watching memorial concert Steve Earle put on for son, Justin Townes..JT and I had become friends when he lived here and it hard when he left us...

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You are a hoot!

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Best thing about this week: becoming aware of the increasing daylight. Thank gods

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Good stuff Spencer... When I think of owls I think of the Tootsie Pop commercial from my childhood... I’m going to the Largo show tonight, maybe we’ll bump into each other.

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A few years ago when we lived in another town, a screech owl set up camp for a few weeks in the tree beside our back deck, just outside our kitchen door. We felt pretty privileged. In retrospect, we may have felt differently if it was big enough to palm our heads (and if we had known that was a thing), but both our heads are bigger than this owl's entire self.

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We have an owl residing somewhere in the neighborhood and the first time it hooted we were flabbergasted. Grew up in the city and NEVER heard/saw an owl. And love that Beastie Boys record. 💥

Safe travels. ☮️

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Owls are mystic beings, they see what many don't and speak only with very few...lucky you Spencer man. This week has been slow but about to pick up the pace..might head up to Laapland soon for a month before the beginning of the season. Enjoyed the encounter with a fellow lover of Beasties instrumental and quite cinematography your fist bump. Keeping an eye for more of your trips/ thoughts. Ps, very beautiful art work. Safe trips blondie, love from Portugal

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The artwork is pretty thanks! Envious of those of you going to Largo. Speaking of performers and facial expressions- is there a consensus among you musicians about audience members filming the performance? Was at a small show and pulled my phone out and wondered if that raises the anxiety level of the performer as much as mine would rise if I was being filmed while doing my job!!

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Do owls sound differently in the South? I mean was there any kind of a drawl to it? Where was the accent on the syllable?

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You are young and healthy…this is the time to be in NC one day and LA the next! Youth, Youth, Youth!

Go for it all!

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<3. I read that there is a show of my friends Dad's drawing at Friedman Benda in LA. If you get a chance, check it out! Ecologies 1984-1990

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- Love the typo.

- That last image: wooey.

- I have what’s been called a very expressive, malleable face, so I might know what you’re saying about facial expressions? (But I read it quickly...so I might have missed the point.)

- Regarding the apparently aggressive owl hoots, I have felt this way about a crow - crowing loudly and very pointedly at me. Odd feeling. And, ominous feeling, of course. “Quoth the raven, ‘Nevermore...’”

Thanks for sharing!


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I enjoy trotting very much!! Have a few fun adventures up my sleeve for 2023. Especially excited about checking out Iceland 😜😎😎 Also heading to Berlin in September for some artsy trotting, if you will. I find it makes for a more well-rounded self and also helps (re)define/enhance your connectedness to your home base.

Two visual artist folks who are lovely and play with human language and emotion (unrelated to one another) are @estebanpatino and @maxwellsebastian. Worth checking out if you dig the arts stuffs!! I’m all for people making shit for themselves and others to enjoy as they see fit. My favorite artist, Matthew Ritchie, has an exhibition up in Nashville (my home) that I’ll be checking out before it comes down in March. His relationship with mythology and human nature is something I’ve written about myself. Chaotically beautiful.

Thank you for the musings. Enjoy your trotting and be well ☺️☺️☺️

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