When you mentioned “the closeness” as his main accomplishment it clicked for me with why The Tweedy Show worked so spectacularly. You all were able to transmit that feeling of closeness to all of us through our silly electronic devices, at a time where physical closeness was strictly prohibited. Your grandfather clearly had so much love to give and clearly left an impact on so many people. What a gift he was. This was a moving tribute, Spencer, and my continued best to you and all of your family who mourn his loss, but celebrate all of that love and closeness

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Aw, what a great remembrance. I bet Peter wrote the best letters back in the pre-Internet days when we put actual pen to paper. Re-reading some of his replies to your posts, he just seemed to have that way about him. It's something I've always admired. I also think it's telling that he worked with security systems for a good part of his life (and was still coming up with ideas in that vein) because it seems like that's what he wanted most for his family was for you guys to all be happy and secure. What a protective and generous spirit he had. Viva Pedrobot!

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That's such a wonderful memorial. What a inspiration he was. Carrying forward important lessons from our loved ones is a great way to keep them with us in our hearts.

I've been to a lot of memorials lately, been trying to carry at least one thing from each person with me.

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What a beautiful tribute to a human whose impact will surely ripple long beyond his embodied existence. Thank you for sharing -- your family's love of family is contagious.


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How wonderful! The examples example. Love All Around

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The depiction of him sounds very much like you. In our two live meetings in Kingston, NY, you showed nothing but kindness and true interest. Your Zeide’s energy was absolutely passed down to you and Sammy.

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The love of a grandparents is so special, you had one of the best. I'm grateful for having been introduced to Pedrobit via the Tweedy Show, and getting a glimpse of what is so special about him. I'm sorry for your lose. ❤️❤️❤️

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What a legacy. You all are already living it but can’t wait to see how you and Sammy continue it. 💓

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Sorry for your loss, Spencer. That's for you and all of your family. May his memory be a blessing. And my family also came to know him much more than we would have via the Tweedy Show. Again, you guys doing that was a lifeline for us and so many others so many thanks for you all to open up your lives when we all needed it the most. We'll be at the Wilco show this coming weekend in Austin at ACL Live theater.

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Such a beautiful tribute Spencer! I’m so sorry for your loss but am so happy for you that you have so many great memories and experiences to hold on to.

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That closeness is so evident in you and I count myself so very lucky to have been in his light while watching The Tweedy Show. I watched the funeral and felt CLOSE to you all because you all radiate his goodness and his humor. And his genius. Everything is serious. Everything is funny. I wear my heart on my sleeve and my friends joke that I’m still most school spirited because I am happiest cheering them on. I will now do that with more force of your Zaid.

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This writing is magical, life-affirming and a healthy reminder that life lived to the fullest is the only one worth living. I know these memories will sustain you during your sadness. Thanks for this.

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Thank you and your family for sharing him with us. ¡Viva Pedro!

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This is a lovely tribute, Spencer. I only knew Peter Miller from The Tweedy Show, but what a beautiful man he was. His appearances made me so happy and also made me cry each time. I am sorry for the loss of your granddad but his huge spirit will surely live on. PS: the joke that you look like John Stirratt is funny and all, but the person you most closely resemble (I think) is Peter Miller. 💓 Going to read more tributes...

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What a beautiful tribute. It made me think of both my grandpas, who died many years ago. Thanks for the trip down memory lane for me.

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This is beautiful, Spencer. I feel fortunate to have met him, experienced his amazing voice and his positivity (always there on the Tweedy Show!), and had him grace the back cover of a YFF album. How lucky were we all to have him overcome his impossible beginnings to bring so much joy into the world!

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